Three ways to start to listen to your Intuition

Three ways to start to listen to your Intuition

So what is your Intuition?

Your Intuition is a powerful tool of guidance from within, which is there as your guiding compass for your life. When we access our intuition we are hearing our true voice, we hear that expressive, creative inner part of us. And when we are guided fully by our intuition we are able to lead a heart centred authentic life as our true selves.


the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

So what is it exactly?

~ intuition is a superpower

~ get a feeling, energy, vibe

~ an inner wisdom

~ intelligence beyond logic

~ unconscious communication

~ magic nudges

~ past, present & future

~ personal connection to own energic intelligence 

~ your soul voice

Three ways to start to listen to your Intuition

  1. Trust the process, be curious and see what happens when you listen to your intuition ~ all knowing is in the doing so keep listening and keep being curious. This is where the magic is.

  2. Start with asking yourself what you need right now and allow the answer to come to you ~ there is no rush with this, just allow the answer to come to you in its own time.

  3. Listen to what your body and mind are telling you ~ what are the feelings, sensations, thoughts that are coming to the forefront of your mind? Write these down in your journal. What does this information give you? What can you learn from what your body and mind are telling you?

If you’d like to work with me to support you in listening to your intuition you can find out more here.


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