Why is self care so important as a mum - Emma Cottam, Isabella and Us.

Why is self care so important as a mum


Our lives are often full brim with daily activities, trying to make quality time for our family whilst also trying to balance home life, a job, being a partner, friend, daughter, that often time for ourselves falls to the bottom of the pile. So how can we make time for us? And why should we? After all isn’t it just another thing to do in our ever growing to do list?

Two years ago, in September 2019, I hit near burnout. Long story short, I was working full time, trying to run a business, whilst also trying to keep my house looking somewhat acceptable, be a mum to my daughter, a wife to my husband, see friends and family. But I forgot about one very important thing - looking after myself.

I worked till I was exhausted each day, didn’t get enough ‘quality’ sleep, wasn’t eating well or getting enough fresh air. My mind was tired, my body was tired and I started to feel ill. The overwhelm set in and soon I was struggling to get out of bed in a morning, I was snapping at my husband, I lost my patience (a lot) with my daughter and something had to give. I realised after about 3 weeks what was happening and knew something needed to change. And that something was me looking after myself.

In those 3 weeks I’d worked to my full capacity, pushing myself hard, not allowing myself to rest at all, after all there was so much to do. How could I possibly make time for myself?

But I realised I had to. I’d started to feel very unwell and knew from past experience that this feeling of unwell could soon land me off work, or at worst in hospital, and neither of those things would help anyone. So I set about to make some changes to my lifestyle. One of those changes was making some quality time for myself.

Self care is a huge buzz word right now but I also believe it’s fundamentally important to both our physical and mental wellbeing. After all it’s healthcare! It’s about being pro-active in how we care for ourselves which ultimately helps us better care for those around us.

It can often be considered by some to be selfish, after all as a mum, with so many things to do, why should you make time for yourself? Why should you poirorise yourself? The answer is simple - because you deserve it!

Just because you are a mum, does not make your needs any less important. If you child was struggling with a huge to do list or feeling overwhelmed or tired what would you say to them? You’d tell them to rest! So why is it any different when it comes to us?

It’s not about spending money on Spa days or holidays (although these things are nice) it’s about simple things that help to give your mind and body a break from the busyness of life. Allowing you to relax, unwind and be in the present.

One act of self care each day can make a huge positive impact on your day. Not only will you feel refreshed, calm and more like you but you’ll have more patience to deal with those things life throws your way. After all, how can you care for those around you, if you don’t first care for yourself?

Here are 5 simple steps to making time for you:

1. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier - read a book, listen to a podcast, mediate, journal

2. Get out for some fresh air - a walk at lunch or after work, just 5 minutes a day will massively help

3. Drink water throughout the day - this will help your brain function and also keep your body hydrated

4. Get an early night - sleep has a huge impact on our wellbeing so getting to bed 30 minutes earlier will have a huge impact

5. Sit in peace for 5 minutes - take yourself off for 5, 10, 15 minutes and just sit, be still, be present and allow your mind to rest.

And most of all - enjoy making some time for you!

Find your further dose of self care in the Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums here

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