Self-Care Mummy Blog Series - Week 15

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This New Year I’m talking all about Self-Care as a mum and how important it is to take that time for us. Every week I’ll be bringing you a new guest blog post with some top tips and hopefully throughout the next few months we’ll have put together an amazing list of different ideas for self-care.

This week is Kirsty Hudson from Tiny Human.

Tell us a bit about yourself - who you are, what you do and a bit about your family:

My name is Kirsty and I run my small business, Tiny Human, alongside raising my two boys. Sam is 3.5 and Oliver is 18 months, which makes the days something of a juggle! Most work takes place once they’re in bed, although I do try to spend some time with my husband!

What do you do for self-care as a mum and how do you make time for self-care?

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I have started wearing lipstick and painting my nails again. It’s SUCH a small thing, but I really like looking nice. 30 seconds in the morning for lippie is nothing! Once a week, my husband and I watch a film together, so my new tradition is grabbing a glass of wine and my nail varnish. I turn my phone over or place it out of reach so I can’t be distracted, and settle in for the evening. 

I also go out every 2-3 weeks - to the cinema, the theatre, a meal - usually with girlfriends. This gives me time to really relax.

What are your three top tips for self-care for mums?

  1. There will always be 5 minutes for you, even in the most full on and tricky days. Find it and embrace it. 

  2. Remember that self care can be the smallest of accomplishments, so just focus on one little thing. (Such as painting your nails or reading a chapter of a book in peace). 

  3. Don’t beat yourself up for wanting to take a little time out for you. Happy mummy, happy baby/children. It is vital for your physical and mental being that you are well looked after too!

Are there any products/businesses/podcasts ect that you would recommend for self-care?

Avon - nail varnishes and lipsticks. 
Doritos tortilla chips and Cadbury’s chocolate!
A nice glass of wine! 

Obviously the Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums is a must! (by Isabella and Us.)

You can see more of Kirsty over at:


I hope you enjoyed reading this lovely guest blog post by Kirsty all about self-care as a mum! Be sure to check out the blog next week for another guest blog post all about self-care!

Have a lovely day!

Emma x

If you would love to take part in this blog series please head to our website here!